Set details for Battle Golfer Yui
Game Data
Battle Golfer Yui
English title: Battle Golfer Yui
Japanese title: バトルゴルファー唯
Composer(s): Naka-chan 3-sai (なかちゃん 3さい)
Kenta-kun. Yada! (けんたくん。やだ!)
Maru-chan wa omotta (まるちゃんは おもった)
Masayuki Nagao (長尾優進)
System: Sega Mega Drive / Genesis (セガメガドライブ)
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Set Data
Date added: 2005-12-24 Last update: 2014-08-26
Set version: 1.05 Set author: Duchemole
Tracks: 23 Size: 662 KB
Rating: 3.51 (146 votes) Downloads: 9611
External Links: GameBaseGameFAQsSegaRetroGiantBombWikipediaGuardianaMobyGamesTheGamesDB (Mega Drive)
Set contents
File name Size
folder Battle Golfer Yui
17.52 KB
m3u Battle Golfer Yui.m3u
460 B
unknown Battle Golfer Yui.png
2.34 KB
txt Battle Golfer Yui.txt
2.02 KB

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